Fellowship groups are a primary place where the people of NSF gather, grow, and go.

They gather to enjoy Jesus and to practice “one anothering” (Eph. 4) – knowing one another, loving one another, bearing with one another, forgiving one another, etc. Ideally, four things happen at a fellowship group: fellowship, prayer, word, and neighboring.


Intentionally spending time together, getting to know and love one another. May be structured and/or unstructured, and often involves snacks or a meal.


Spending time together talking and listening to God. May involve worship, time spent remembering God’s faithfulness and who He is, time spent lamenting or celebrating together, and/or time spent making requests.


Engaging with God and one another through the Bible, a book, a sermon, etc. Discussion that invites deepening connection with God and one another through the Spirit.


Knowing, loving, and serving those the Lord puts in front of us. First, those in our homes, then, those we interact with regularly, and also, those who live near us.


Every fellowship group has a leader who is a member of NSF; they help create a welcoming culture in our groups and initiate the delegation of various roles (E.g. host(s), facilitator(s), communicator, childcare organizer). They are the primary contact person for and organizer of the schedule for the group. They keep the Fellowship Groups Director notified of needs and concerns of members of the group (especially when those needs exceed the capacity of the group). A fellowship group ideally gathers in someone’s home, welcomes newcomers, fosters intergenerational relationships, and meets 2-3x/month with a pause or change of pace for the summer.


We would love to connect you with a Fellowship Group in your area that fits your needs.  Click below, and we’ll get in touch with you soon.
While some groups have childcare on-site, most parents choose to hire a baby-sitter.  See our policy for ways NSF can help you.