Join us on Sunday mornings for worship, and learn more about ways to get connected throughout the week on our Connect page.
Nursery provided
Children’s Worship for Pre K-1st Grade during the sermon time.
Nursery provided
Sunday School for all ages at 9:45 AM
Nursery provided
Coffee is served outside all morning, creating space to fellowship with one another before and between our three one-hour worship services. Just next to the coffee is a Welcome Tent where you can find schedules and information for various ministries at NSF, as well as ask our greeters any questions. Our service includes singing, liturgy, a sermon, and nearly weekly participation in the Lord’s Supper. Children are welcomed and encouraged to participate fully in our worship service. We provide Children’s Bulletins and colored pencils in the foyer to help them engage meaningfully. Bulletins with the order of worship, lyrics, and scripture are also in the foyer, and you can find a digital version attached at the bottom of this page each week. Learn more about NSF here.
NSF is beginning a search for a new Executive Director and a Graphic Design Intern. Click below to read the job applications and apply.
9:45 AM Service