"Declare His glory among the nations,
His marvelous works among all the peoples!"

1 Chronicles 16:24



Argyris & Dina Petrou

Argyris after 10 years as a pastor now teaches theology and preaching to the next generation of workers in the only Bible school in Greece, the Greek Bible College.

His wife, Dina after working for many years as a witness of God’s love to Athens’ red-light district girls is now serving for the last 8 years as founder and director of a Christian safe house, Community House Damaris, for sexually exploited young women. So far, they have helped more than 60 women and their babies. They have several safe houses and as of last Christmas they had 10 ladies and their babies and one pregnant girl, all were refugees and Asylum seekers.


Chris & Josephine Hatch

After serving for 21 years with Serge, in the UK, Dr. Chris and Josephine Hatch are now serving with in Third Millennium Seminary and Kingdom Restoration Society, working in theological education & pastoral training, teaching practical theology and developing partnerships in the English-speaking world.  A part of their ministry will be with Kingdom Restoration Society to help develop gospel partnerships with US immigrants back in their countries of origin.  
Those who wish to partner with the Hatches by giving to their ministry may click the link above or write checks to: Thirdmill (please note “Chris & Josephine Hatch” on the memo line), and mail to:
Third Millennium Ministries
316 Live Oaks Blvd.
Casselberry, FL 32707


Joel & Stephanie Swanson

God led them to Paris to work with a small evangelical church that has supported 13 church plants in its first 13 years. Joel and Stephanie are using their gifts in discipleship, apologetics, music, and children’s and youth ministry to strengthen this church as it continues to help launch others.

They long for Parisian believers and non-believers alike to see how the gospel of Jesus Christ transforms all of life and work. Their vision is to see a growing prayer movement that transforms this city, which has seen much bloodshed in religion’s name.


David & Eowyn Stoddard

David, son of a PCA church-planter, was raised in Louisiana and Tennessee. Christ captured his heart in high school while participating in short-term mission trips, and David has felt called to missions ever since. At King College in Tennessee, he majored in political science and modern foreign languages, earned a master of divinity degree from Westminster Theological Seminary in California, and a Th.M. from WTS in Philadelphia. Eowyn is the daughter of MTW missionaries who served in France. She came to faith at a young age and sensed a call to missions in her late teens. She majored in German language and literature at Wellesley College and obtained a master’s in biblical studies from Westminster Seminary, where she met David. They married in December of 1997.

David and Eowyn joined MTW’s church-planting movement in eastern Berlin in 2001. Over the past 20 years that team has been involved in planting five churches and a campus of the Martin Bucer Seminary. David currently serves as international director for Europe, overseeing MTW’s vision, strategy, and personnel. Eowyn assists David in his role and supports church-planting through evangelism, teaching, and women’s initiatives. They have five grown children.


Mike & Robin McMahan

As missionaries to Rwanda, Mike and Robin are passionate about church planting and word and deed ministry. With a strong background in mentoring and discipleship, Mike plans to work with prospective church planters to see churches both planted and strengthened. Robin accepted a partnering invitation with Equipping Farmers International to bring Christ-centered savings groups together with farming training in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. Both Mike and Robin will be involved in a missionary internship program at a training center outside Kigali as well. They hope to see Kigali become a hub for sending missionaries and church leaders into all of Africa.

Mike and Robin bring decades of field experience having served with MTW since 1999, first in Ecuador and later in Zimbabwe. In addition, they held stateside assignments when, in 2020, Robin accepted the position of MTW’s director for new missionary onboarding and discipleship, Kingdom Foundations, while Mike served both missionaries and the PCA in Global Member Care focusing on sending body care. They are excited to return to Africa as their heart for the Church in Africa continues. Mike and Robin have four adult children and seven grandchildren living in the U.S.


Matt & Josefina King

Matt was raised in a missionary family in Papua New Guinea where the Lord grew a passion for expanding His Kingdom, serving the nation, and reaching out to the next generation.  From PNG, he went to Covenant College, the Fellows Program at North Shore Fellowship, and then to Covenant Seminary.  He felt the Lord leading him to pursue a Master of Arts in Counseling to serve missionary kids (MKs) and other third culture kids. 

Since January 2021 he has been serving in Bogotá, Colombia with NEXT ( at United Church of Bogotá (UCB).  Locally, he has several roles but mainly does counseling in and around the church, bringing healing and freedom through Christ-centered counseling.  He is also involved in next-generation ministry through the young adults ministry and high school ministry. Globally, Matt works with MKs worldwide through discipleship, relational ministry, and counseling. 

Matt and Josefina met at UCB where Josefina has been attending for years and serves as a deacon.  They got married in January 2024.  Josefina works at SENA, a national program that offers free classes throughout Colombia. She currently teaches classes related to her training as an architect. Matt and Josefina plan to stay in Bogotá and serve the international community in and around UCB.  


Daniel & April

After having served in the South East Asian refugee population in St. Louis, MO since 2008, Daniel and April were approved by Kingdom Restoration Society in 2015 to go out as full time overseas missionaries. They completed two years of intensive Asian language studies where Daniel also earned an MA in Southeast Asian Culture. In February of 2018 they moved to Southeast Asia to work alongside national leaders, pastors and educators who are caring for orphans, developing leaders, planting churches and cultivating educational reform.


Chris & Savanna

Chris and Savanna are serving in Western Europe in a Persian outreach ministry. They assist the local church through gospel proclamation and invitation to the thousands of asylum seekers in the region. Chris and Savanna long to see their Persian neighbors brought into relationship with Jesus and into His church. 

They spend time with Persian brothers and sisters, reading and studying the Scriptures together. They  also are studying and practicing Farsi. They do evangelism on the streets of their city. They are seeing many come to Christ and be baptized.

18.26 Network

When you contribute to the 18.26 Network you partner with our vocational missionaries serving around the world. The money given goes to support, counsel and care for our members on the field, those preparing to go and people exploring being a vocational missionary. It is not used for salaries or buildings. Please consider donating to the 18.26 Network’s ministry of sending people as vocational missionaries. The 18.26 Network is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization