Children become communing members by professing their faith and being admitted to the table by the elders.

Near the end of the school year, all 5th grade students will cover the Communicant's Class material in their regular Sunday School class. But, parents can let us know anytime if they think their child is ready to take communion. Just submit the form below, and Jenn Stewart will get back to you shortly.



Let us Know

Fill out the form below. Even if you told one of the pastors that your child is interested, it really helps us keep if you fill out this form.


Schedule an Interview

Jenn Stewart will help arrange an interview with a pastor. The child will tell a pastor about their faith and answer some questions.  There is no need to prep for this.  It’s just a way of gauging basic faith and understanding of communion. The pastor will ask the other elders to approve of the child becoming a communicant member.


Pick a Date

Jenn Stewart will arrange for the child to take their vows in a worship service. After that the child is a full communicant member of NSF. Communicants typically take their vows on the first Sunday of the month.