Partner with RUF at UTC 

Please read the following request from Davis Mooney, UTC RUF campus minister, for ways to serve this semester!
(1) One of RUF’s core values is strong partnerships with local churches – we want students to know about and get plugged into PCA churches in the Chattanooga area! While there are many ways that RUF at UTC hopes to partner with local churches, providing food for a Tuesday night Large Group worship is a blessing to our students and a great way for them to meet people from local churches and hear about each congregation. 
I’m sending this email to ask if you or anyone in your church (a community group, local missions committee, etc) might be interested in providing food at one or more Tuesday Night Large Group meetings this semester. We meet on Tuesday nights at the 1st Presbyterian Church Student Center at 535 McCallie Ave. Anyone who provides food is welcome to stay and join us for our Large Group Worship from 8-9pm, but we would ask that food be delivered by 7:30pm. Anyone is also welcome to drop the food off at my office in the 1st Presbyterian tower building (554 McCallie Ave) during the day on Tuesday if that is more convenient. You can find more details, including ideas for food/snacks that are often popular with students, and sign up to provide food on a particular Tuesday at this link:
Please feel free to share the link with anyone in your congregation who may be interested! 
If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to reach out to me at 423-255-6862 or